
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Color Me Happy!

Levi and I decided to finger paint a canvas yesterday. He kind of loved it. Some moments he was painting like freaking Picasso. And other moments he was like Ma get this paint off of me! Who knows. 

 And then we cooked out with some friends. And this yummy drink with Vitamin Water Zero, Limes and a little tequila was aweeemazing. (awesome & amazing)!
Have a Happy Weekend ya'll. Country Jam & Father's Day is tomorrow. Of course there will be pictures later this week! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

My breath literally was taken away.

There is something we can all learn from a blue eyed baby.
Levi and I began our walk this morning along a shady street where we could feel a cool breeze with the sun peeking in to warm us up. These kind of streets are my favorite.
Levi  laid back most of the walk, silent. Those blue eyes fixated on the trees blowing in the wind,  those cute little ears listening to the birds chirping, those blue eyes shutting letting the wind sweep across his face and that cute raspy singing voice humming with the wind from time to time. 

I wish my mind could be this quiet, I wish I could just be in a moment like Levi and just take it all in. Often times I take for granted the beauty and peace a morning can have. Everything was so quiet and calming-no cars were going by, no kids were out screaming, no dogs were barking.

On our walk, I felt an instant connection with Levi. Sometimes I get these moments where I just feel connected to him and its so magical. 

I was using the quiet time to think of all I have going on-with this I started feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I look down and Levi turned his head up to me and just smiled for a whole few seconds. My breath literally was taken away for a minute. It was as if he knew my mind was cluttered and wanted to bring me back down to this moment, to tell me through his smile to enjoy the beauty our creator graced us with this morning. I want to be like him.

Stop sometimes and think about what you have, not what you don't have. Pray in these quiet moments, clear your mind. Take in the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and listen to the birds chirping. Most of all, learn from how peaceful a baby is and try to be more like them. Try to be simple. Think simple & act simple. Baby's hearts are pure, fresh and not affected by this cruel world. I think my heart just broke thinking about how one day his heart won't be this innocent.

That little boy makes my heart so full. We walked in the door, he laid his head on my shoulder. I took him upstairs, sure he was ready for an early nap. I rocked him for a few minutes and as I started to stand up to put him in his crib, he squeezed my neck really tight and laid his cheek on mine. In that moment I felt a connection with him again. He's not always so cuddly before nap time and I used this moment where he wanted me, needed me and covered him up and sang him to almost sleep. :) Another quiet that is so peaceful-When your baby is cooing, and breathing softly. Ah, its the best.

This has been a great start to my Friday.
Take in those quiet moments and appreciate them today.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I've come to realize...

 -That being a Mom is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me.

-That life is sweeter when your Husband is your best friend, and a wonderful Daddy.

-That family is the most important thing in life.


-That things change, priorities change, and you change. But having a beautiful son, a wonderful Husband and a loving family, keeps things in perspective and life happy.

Linking up today!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ranting currently.

Happy Wednesday y'all! I am sitting here with an afternoon cup of pick-me-up and my little man is sleeping so good upstairs. The house is quiet-and clean. Imagine that! Instead of writing a post about how happy I am, how wonderful my family is, lalala, I am here to write about what is really pissing me off lately. I mean this blog is called a cup of Hope, so I will give ya more than just the nice side of me today.

Let me just start off with this-I am a really nice, genuine, positive person that has good intentions-most of the time, nobody's perfect. But I feel like this always gets me hurt. I hate not having the man parts to stand up for myself and call somebody out who is being crappy to me. I will for anyone I love that is being hurt-I am the first person to be like, "Oh no they didn't, I will go give them a piece of my mind." But for me, I can't. I feel like I try with people, check in, pray for them, be there for them-and all i get is nothing. Its too exhausting, and I'm no longer letting it consume my thoughts.

I am so tired of friends or lack there of coming in and out of my life when it is convenient for them. There is a saying, and we've all heard it: You know who your true friends are when things in your life aren't peachy, and they still stick around. I found this out the hard way-yet I'm glad I did. I I am almost 25 years old, and am a mama and wife and a full time student. I am literally not in a place in my life to chase friends around and constantly make sure they are doing okay, just to know they will be there for me. I have a few good friends in my life that I know would be there, but the other  friends or acquaintances or whatever they are honestly do not deserve my attention. I am so over it. I am so happy I have lots of sisters and brothers. I really think they are the only ones who I can trust completely. That makes me want to have lots of kids so they know their brothers and sisters will always be there for them.

I am also sick of seeing how Josh is treated by people at work and those around him in general. He has the kindest, sweetest, loving heart and all he wants is for the same in return. He is always the only one making an effort, and like I said above, how if its someone I love, I will give them a piece of my mind-well I am literally about ready to do that. He works his butt off for us, and nobody gives him credit, or tries to check in with him to see how he is doing and make sure he is okay.

I am also sick of seeing my Mom struggle after she's gone home from her stroke and is just suffering because those around her are selfish assholes. When you say for better or worse, you better mean it and help her out. Or you too, will soon be hearing a piece of my mind.

I hate that with some people in my life there is always a price, a cost.. You either are trying to be nice or your not. No in between. No throwing it in my face later on down the road. No offering then taking it back. Ah.

I also am really pissed off that someone cut Levi's hair and is not telling me. Josh and I noticed it the other day (because we were trying to grow it out) and someone chopped it, and needless to say it looks awful. Its not so much that the action itself is upsetting me. At this point, I just feel like we are being lied to blatantly. You made a mistake, admit it and apologize. I don't understand how someone can lie when it comes to my child, while he is in their care. It really makes me question things. I don't think I'm the only mama who would be upset about this? The worst is not knowing who did it!

Along with the topic of Levi, I am tired of everyone's opinions about my parenting, and the choices I make. I think I am making good damn choices and Levi is doing great. If you don't like it, go have a baby and control their life. If I ask you to do things certain ways, please just do it. Don't judge me because I buy expensive sunscreen for Levi so I can be sure it has no chemicals in it, don't judge me because he eats organic foods, don't judge me because I don't let him watch TV, and certainly don't judge me because I am who I am.  If I don't ask for advice, please stop giving it. Don't say my kid is stuck up my butt because when he's upset he wants me, don't tell me I take things too seriously, don't say I need to just let him eat peanut butter already. Stop!

Can anyone agree with why these things upset me? Or am I just a crazy, sensitive girl? 
I am sorry if this was an overwhelming post. But sometimes you can only take so much. And other times it helps to just write it out and get it off your chest. Be careful in those storms ya'll. Josh is picking up a movie, some junk food and batteries. I am actually kind of looking forward to it.

Monday, June 10, 2013

I wanna see you be Brave.

Brave by Sara Bareilles on Grooveshark
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Love this song right now. The lyrics are so motivating and this is on repeat currently.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Mine consisted of a sisters girls night! Holly walks in my house while CC and I are getting ready, and goes "Whooooo GIRLS NIGHT! Now drink up!" And dead serious, pulls three PBRs out of her purse and puts them in front of us. CC and I were like, ummm we're not drinking that. Haha. Our getting ready process consisted of me begging Candace to straighten my hair, because I HATE doing it. My hair is so thick and I get so annoyed half way through. We changed probably a hundred times and swapped clothes until we were satisfied. We headed to a Festival downtown and it was lots of fun! The only pictures we got were from my phone, so here goes: 

My beautiful twin. She makes me want to dye my dark again.
Candace and I. :)
Our shoes :) Me left, Candace, right.
Holly enjoying her Big Mac hah. Why is she so pretty? / I really want her hair.

I really needed that water the next morning. I had beer, a margarita, another beer and a Jack and Diet-which gave me a big headache the next morning. Candace suggested I try a iced hazelnut macchiato, and WOWza. So delicious. This could be a problem. Maybe I'll configure a healthy version to make at home. Or not. :)

Then of course Levi and I enjoyed our time outside, and getting messy with pasta sauce. :)
 Breakfast outside :) In Halloween PJs. Don't judge.
This kid loves pasta, and especially loves getting it everywhere. When pasta is for dinner, he cleans his whole tray, and then rubs it in his hair-so he is naked. Bath time always follows this, obviously.

Then on Sunday we headed to my parent's house with Nate and Mira to hang at my parent's pool and drank tequila on the rocks with Limes squeezed in. (Healthy Margarita, thanks Aunt Kathleen for the idea!) It tastes better than a marg, not too sweet. Mira and I did get a tequila called Cha-Cha-Cha and its infused with lemon and honey. May be my new favorite! Try it!

I like how you can see both of our Levi tattoos. Josh's says Levi Joshua under there :)
I am overwhelmed yet so excited for a project we're tackling this week! When Josh and I bought this condo everything was painted neutral, pretty hardwoods floors.- We agreed we wouldn't paint/brighten up and spend money on this place since we wouldn't be here longer than 3 years or so. (Starter Home, really)
The only room that really needs a makeover is the finished basement. It has pretty hardwood flooring, but the previous owners wallpapered over ugly brown paneling, (the wallpaper was a burgundy with gold golf clubs)-ew.- which my Hubby decided to paint dark brown over. (Instant Gratification Issues!) Basically we never go down there b/c its so dark and cold. and you can see the paneling through the paint. Ha, you live and learn right?
SO. This week we are tearing down the paneling, wallpaper, and layer of paint and putting up really nice white beadboard to brighten up the space. Then we are painting the top half of the beadboard light, light gray and I will be accenting, with bright colors-probably a lot of aquas, yellows and greens. I have some cool DIY's in store as well for the room! (It involves baby art, Ed Sheeran, and brightening up old frames, antiques etc!)The plan is to make it a playroom for Levi/Hangout room for us that we want to hang out in. That's about 500 sq ft we don't use-and that needs to change-so we can breathe again in our place and make the main floor not a dumping ground for toys. I'm excited to change up this room and make it our own-and since this is the only room we want to put money into, i can't wait! Josh will be working 60 hours this week, so my Mom and I are pretty much doing all of this.
We'll see how it goes!

Happy Mondays loves! I have a lot of work to do!
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