I do recall my last post was about catching up with where i've been-well I guess this post will be the same?
Sorry guys. Its cool I don't really know who reads this or if anyone cares that I took a super delayed blogging break, but I do care to catch up and jump back into a cup of Hope.
Okay. SO. My last post was about my Grandpa's Memorial, and a lot has happened since. So we can catch up on some highlights eh?
We took a weekend Camping Trip that involved lots of whiskey, cheap beer, canoes, rope swings, good friends, and lots of mosquitoes.
One of best friends had her second baby boy, Giovan. :) We had her maternity pictures planned and the day of, she texted me that she was going to have a C-Section the next day! So we didn't end up doing a maternity session. With her having the babes 4 weeks early, I asked many questions, but she was fine and so was baby boy. That next day Giovan came into this big world and was perfect. I got to do some hospital pictures when he was 1 day young, and they turned out great!
Seriously, did Abi really just have a baby? Too pretty to be 1 day post-pardum.
I also went back to OSU. Basically I'm waddling between two different majors at OSU because one of the programs is VERY competitive. And I'm honestly comfortable at this point with any degree. We won't get into the whole "I hate my life because I'm almost 25 with no degree lalala" speech. I'm ready to be done and done.
I wasn't the only one who went back to school. My sweet little handsome started school too. Its for the program Help Me Grow, and since he was a late walker and qualified for services, he qualified for school too! Obviously he's been walking now for months but since it was less than a year ago that he received his first services we are good to keep him in school until he's three. Awesome, huh? He goes 2.5 hours Mon-Thurs in the mornings. Its a legit school, with classrooms that have tons of toys, learning games, a toddler playground in the back, and little potties that they introduce to the kids. Its amazing. I'm happy we have this opportunity to get Levi playing with other kids and learning.
These were Camera Phone pictures, so sorry for the awful quality, but I did not have time to break out the Canon with an already rushed morning.
So school for Levi is going well. He's been there a week so far. The worst part is leaving him, he gets pretty sad. So I distract him then have to sneak out which makes me feel worse. His teachers say throughout his time there he gets teary eyed a few times. And knowing Levi, he never cries. So its obvious that he misses us. Which breaks my heart, but I know its good for him. He is a Mama's boy that's for sure. But its hard to balance coddling him too much and letting him experience the separation, because I don't like to see my baby sad that I'm leaving.
I have been planning Levi's SECOND birthday party. Holy Moly has time flown by. This past year, my baby has grown into himself so much. He is still a shorty pants (Sorry for the genes Bubba) and has such a personality. He is goofy, cracks up at himself, fake cries all with a little grin, is such a cuddler, loves his mommy, loves his daddy being the tickle monster, loves to DRIBBLE a soccer ball (proud mama over here), loves ALL veggies, fruits, meat etc, Loves to scream "outside" and just be outdoors in general, his language has grown leaps and bounds over the past few months, he is comprehending everything, he is quite the problem solver, super clumsy (once again, sorry for those genes honey), still sleeps 12 hours every night, still takes a solid 3 hour nap for me, loves loves to dance, and sing Twinkle Twinkle, You are my Sunshine, No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!, and the Itsy, Bitsy Spider. If he hurts himself, instead of tears he runs up to you and if you kiss his boo boo he is a happy camper. He is shy like his Daddy, but warms up to you in minutes. He is also the happiest toddler so far. No temper tantrums yet, and honestly (knock on wood) he is such an easy going kid that I'm not sure if its in his nature to throw one. We will see though, he has been pinching lately. But he will kiss you right away if you say "Be nice". The list could go on people. I am so incredibly proud of my boy. He is going to be an amazing man someday, just like his Daddy.
My inner DIY is shining through planning his party. It is an outdoor "By the Campfire" theme-perfect for his Fall birthday. I am excited, lots of fun stuff planned. Josh, Levi and I all have birthdays the same week, so it will be an exciting one that's for sure!
Now its time to go watch the Buckeye game with my family. And I promise to not overload you all in a post again, by not writing for another month.