
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday Currently...

This weekend has been relaxing. We have seen some old friends, I had some Mommy time with my girl Kaela. The little ones bonded and played outside a lot.


Reading about Camp Coconut for Maddie this week! A 9-5 Camp three days in a row! She will have a blast :)
Writing this here post!
Listening to Levi laughing at Maddie dancing crazy to the soundtrack on The Lion King Menu.
Thinking about how nervous I am to start on Main Campus this Fall with a bunch of 20 year olds!
Smelling the breeze from outside, its about to rain! Best smell ever.
Wishing I could have someone over to do ALL my laundry, put it away, and paint the fiinished room in the basement gray.
Hoping that the adjustment with two little ones here sinks in. Maddie is older, but it is just as hard to keep a girl company when she's used to watching tv all day! (Not at our house!)
Wearing sweats. What else? My excuse: I'm a Mom and its Sunday evening.
Loving that Josh only went in for 6 hours this weekend spread out between yesterday and today. He got to sleep in with us, eat breakfast with us and see how hectic things get around here.
Wanting to not stress myself out all the time. Yeah, I want that.
Needing to relax, 
Feeling happy that Levi is currently watching The Lion King for the first time right now with Maddie. Although, since he never watches TV he is like why do I need to stay in this fort and sit still? :) --Yes, I don't think little ones should watch TV, I would break out the research, or you can just smile and agree with me. (I get a lot of odd looks on this one)
Clicking the iTunes Store to purchase Dustin Lynch's new CD.

Time to go and watch my all time favorite Disney movie, and belt out "I just cant wait to be King!" I helped Maddie make a fort, and that is where you'll find me!
Happy Sunday, and Happy early Monday!