
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 29:-Music-my favorite topic.

The May Challenge is almost over-I have really slacked, but I can't miss today's prompt.
 five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories

So a little forewarning: I added 7 songs. Not 5. That's like someone asking you what's your favorite song of all time? Its impossible to answer. For me it was hard to choose 5 songs. Music to me is an escape, a good time, emotional, and in the end savors memories-good and bad.
:) by Hope Hicks on Grooveshark

Here we go.

I melt-Rascal Flatts
Ah, this song-
This song was played during my first real kiss at the Rascal Flatts concert when I was 17. J took me on our first real date to see them and we literally sat in the very back row at Crew Stadium at the tippity top! He leaned in when this song was playing and we didn't stop the rest of the night. That relationship started that night and lasted almost 3 years. 

 I Never Told You-Colbie Caillat & 5:19-Matt Wertz
Ah, yes. These two songs right here reflect a bad heartbreak. When J and I broke up after almost three years it hurt to the core. Your first love isn't something you just get over. My roommate at the time can attest that these two songs were blaring in my room during the months following and there may or may not have been a bottle of wine involved-to the face.

Lay 'Em Down-Needtobreathe
But life got happy again-as it always does. This song did and still gets me through tough times. I suggest everyone listen to this one especially. Its a very powerful song-and sometimes when I just feel like I can't take anymore stress, uncertainty or what have you-I play this.

Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not-Thompson Square
When I say life got happy again, it did. This song reminds me of when Josh and I were dating. We were kind of openly talking about a future together. He had just used the L word which we were both so hesitant to use. I really just wanted to shout it out-but, us ladies have a way of making the men make the first move. Anyhow, this song was always playing in his car during our courtship  if you will.

This Years Love-David Gray
When Josh and I were dating, I played this song for him and it immediately became our song. He loved it right away. Little did I know it would be the song we danced to at our wedding. When this song came on at our wedding and I was officially a Mrs., I remember feeling whole and genuinely happy. My heart was at such peace and I was literally in awe of my Mr.

This song-my goodness still makes me teary eyed. When I was pregnant this was my song for my growing baby inside me. When Levi was born I would play this song for him at night. Its such a beautiful song about growing and learning in life, and always having that person there for you. It is a Christian song and that's partly why I connect with it. I want to raise Levi with strong faith, and this song is a reminder that not only will I always be there for him, but so will his faith. I also added in Naleigh Moon-Josh Kelly it has the same affect on me. Its about his little girl him and his wife adopted from China.

I could add 20 more, but I am trying to stick to the prompt. Music is a way for me to connect emotionally. My memories are most vivid through songs that relate to happenings in my life. Whenever one of these songs comes on the radio, or on my ipod, I think back and smile and am thankful for the memories.

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